Check back weekly for new channel updates!

Do you have a passion or interest and want to chat to other GumGummers with the same interest? Create your own #channel & share it with us!



A chance to meet other GumGummers for a virtual coffee and a chat. You will have the chance to be paired at random with another GumGummer, every 4 weeks.



a space for the women at GumGum to connect, share news, encourage one another and build community.








Follow #GumGum on your Peloton bike and/or tread!



A place for all GumGummers to come and connect on all things Hispanic/Latinx!


Please reach out to Iris Fu to join this group!


The official GumGum Surf League channel

Don’t see your #slack channel here?

Create one & share it with us!





Women of GumGum bookclub



join us for a weekly cheers to kick off the weekend


Find your next binge


Basketball fan?