World Mental Health Day: GumGum Resources and Benefits to Support Your Mental Health and Wellness


In March of 2020, life, work, and the need for virtual communication, as we knew it changed dramatically, due to the global pandemic. Although it was quite the adjustment, we have now adapted and are thriving in the world of remote working, and yet it still can have its challenges. In recognition of World Mental Health Day, an international day for global mental health education, awareness, and advocacy against social stigma, here are some helpful resources and benefits that GumGum provides to support your overall mental health, financial health, and wellness.

Mental Health and Wellness Resources and Benefits at GumGum

The EAP is a counseling and referral service for you AND your family members. It provides support for a wide variety of personal, family and financial issues and offers up to three, free face-to-face counseling visits per person, per year. EAP services are free, voluntary and strictly confidential. This service is available nationwide and is fully paid for by GumGum.

Cleo is a personalized family support system that helps expecting and new parents as they navigate the joys and the journey of parenthood.

Goodly gives you everything you need to pay off your student debt faster.


A 20 minute live breath work, sound baths & mindfulness guided meditation sessions.

Click the button below to learn more about GumGum Benefits & Perks (UN: gumgum and PW: benefits) 

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